Bio protect – DC
In Stock & Ready to Ship
Quick description
- It is helpful for decomposing of agril. Waste.
- Increases humus of soil.
- Improves water and nutrients holding capacity of soil.
- Maintain the soil fertility.
Available Packaging Size:- llit., 1kg and 5kg.
Application Dose
For Basal- Skg/Acre For Drip-llit./Acre Seed Treatment- 25gm per kg seeds. Useful for all crops
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P-FeSB 1l
Bacterial Strain: Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Bacteria type: Ferrous solubilizing bacteria
Type of material: Liquid
1) Naturally occurring beneficial autotrophic acidophilic bacteria
2) It is perfect inoculants which increase fertility of soil and mobilize ferrous in soil
Seed Treatment
Take 5ml/ 1 kg seed make paste in 5ml water and coat seeds just before sowing
Sets treatment: Make slurry of 1 lt in 10 ltr, water dip the roots of seedling and sugarcane sets before transplantation
Nursery treatment: 500 ml in 50 ltr water and spread over 400 m2 nursery bed mix well with soil
Soil treatment: Mix 1 L in 75 Kg farm yard manure broadcast over 1 acre and mix in soil
Drip treatment: Mix 1L in 200 L water and released in slowly in drip irrigation
Effective for crops: Sugarcane, Cotton, Sunflower, Capsicum, Chilli, Tomato, Pulses, Coffee,
Strawberry, Mango, Pepper, Turmeric, Ginger, Floriculture and horticulture.
P-KMB’s 1l
Bacterial Strain: Frateuriaaurantia
Type of bacteria: Potash Mobilizing bacteria
Type of material: Liquid
1) Activated & Multiplied in Soil produces and deposits biologically active metabolites which mobilize potash and uptaken by plants
2) Metabolites also helps to build suppression mechanisms against harmful pathogens
Seed Treatment
Take 5ml/ 1 kg seed make paste in 5ml water and coat seeds just before sowing
Sets treatment: Make slurry of 1 lt in 10 ltr, water dip the roots of seedling and sugarcane sets before transplantation
Nursery treatment: 500 ml in 50 ltr water and spread over 400 m2 nursery bed mix well with soil
Soil treatment: Mix 1 L in 75 Kg farm yard manure broadcast over 1 acre and mix in soil
Drip treatment: Mix 1L in 200 L water and released in slowly in drip irrigation
Effective for crops: Sugarcane, Cotton, Sunflower, Capsicum, Chilli, Tomato, Pulses, Coffee,
Strawberry, Mango, Pepper, Turmeric, Ginger, Floriculture and horticulture.
Biolive Combi Kit
Advantages :-
- Itis a combo kit of N, P and K fixing bacteria.
- Due to providing all essentials elements increases 10-20% yield.
- Save cost of NPK fertilizers.
- According to crop all necessary kit is available.
Available Packaging Size :- 250ml+PSB-250ml+KMB-250ml+Carrier base-250ml.
Basal Dose :-
- For Drip- 1 lit./Acre
- Seed Treatment – 25gm or ml per kg seeds.
- Useful for all crops
P-SSB 1l
Bacterial Strain: Tthiobacillus thioxidans
Bacteria type: Sulphur solubilizing bacteria
Type of material: Liquid
1) Autotropic Acidophilic bacteria which secretes organic acids to dissolve sulphur
2) Readily decomposition of sulphur compounds in the soil helps to increase release of nutrients
Seed Treatment:
Take 5ml/ 1 kg seed make paste in 5ml water and coat seeds just before sowing
Sets treatment: Make slurry of 1 lt in 10 ltr, water dip the roots of seedling
Nursery treatment: 500 ml in 50 ltr water and spread over 400 m2 nursery bed mix well with soil
Soil treatment: Mix 1 L in 75 Kg farm yard manure broadcast over 1 acre and mix in soil
Drip treatment: Mix 1L in 200 L water and released in slowly in drip irrigation
Effective for crops: Effective for crops: Sugarcane, Cotton, Sunflower, Capsicum, Chilli, Tomato, Pulses, Coffee, Strawberry, Mango, Pepper, Turmeric, Ginger, Floriculture and horticulture.