Pratik India

Ready Bordo 5L

Ingredients: non ionic wetting agent


1) Non ionic sticker cum spreader helps to increase effeciency of the active ingredient of the formulation

2) Increases surface tension on the leaf or any other part of the plants which helps to get productive results from formulation

3) It can be used with formulated fungicides, pesticides, micronutrients etc especially in rainy season

Recommendation: 1.5 ml/ l of water for spray

SeaWeed Liquid

Ingredients: Amino acid, protein carbohydrolysate, alginic acid


Greater absorption of nutrients from soil.
Rapid growth of plant
Promote disease resistance, Help plants to endure environmental stress Stimulate cell division, improve the fruit size Improve root growth

Drip & drenching Application: Dissolve 1l of P seaweed in 200 L of neutral water and apply it by drip or drenching application

Foliar application: Dissolve 1.5ml/L of P seaweed of neutral water and apply it

Available Packing: 500ml, 1L, 1.5L

Silicon Powder 50%

Ingredients: collidal silicon


1)Silicon seems to benefit certain plants when they are under stress.

2)It has been found to improve drought tolerance and delay wilting in certain crops where irrigation is withheld and may enhance the plant?s ability to resist micronutrient and other metal toxicities

3)Silicon has been found to help increase stem strength.


Foliar Application: 15gm/100L of neutral water

Drip & Drenching Application: Dissolve 45gms of P Silicon in 300 L of neutral water and apply during fertigation and drenchning

Soil application: 200gms / acre